Plant Safety Reliability Excellence

Director Message

Welcome to the Plant Safety Reliability Excellence (PSRE) page of the Responsible Care Indonesia.

As a committee/function group at RCI which was formed in 2023, the PSRE Committee is still reviewing what programs are appropriate to achieve organizational goals, making RCI member companies able to achieve the title of Plant Safety Reliability Excellence, a superior factory with a reliable level of safety.

We started with a safety program related to fulfilling legal aspects where there are obstacles to its implementation in the industry, reviewing it to create a bridge to get a win win solution, collaborating with RCI Regional Management for the Banten Region to share best practices of the RCI Code, Sharing methods for monitoring follow-up safety patrol findings through implementation of digital industry 4.0, and other activities that support a factory to achieve PSRE standards.

We realize that achieving this target is not easy, but with good cooperation and mutual support with other Function Groups, the PSRE Committee will be able to achieve the targets that have been set up.

Agus Prasetyo
Director for Plant Safety Reliability Excellence


To support & improve RCI member’s knowledge and ability in line to maintain reliability plant involving reliability of Human resources, facilities, and management system through sharing knowledege and best practice.

Activities or Programs
  1. Conduct PSRE Meeting regularly
  2. Review Government safety regulation and concern issue related with PSRE (Plant Safety Reliability Excellence) among company at Ciwandan & Merak area
  3. Organize capacity building of PSRE to achieve excellent on EHSS performance
  4. Sharing information and best practice related with PSRE among members and Government stakeholders
  5. Benchmarking among members related with implementation of digital transformation in the PSRE.
  6. Sharing implementation of digital transformation application such as monitoring finding during safety patrol through Digital Industry 4.0 implementation

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Jl. S. Parman Kav 22-24, Jakarta 11480




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