Our History
In 1994, Responsible Care® was introduced to the Indonesian Chemical Industry Club (ICIC), by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations – Chemical Industry Club (ASEAN CIC). Then on the 23rd of October 1997, the ICIC formed a separate organization called Komite Nasional Responsible Care® Indonesia known as KN-RCI or National Committee for Responsible Care® Indonesia.
In the early stages of its establishment, KN-RCI was supported by 24 founding companies, which consist of the six state-owned fertilizer companies, Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Pusri), Petrokimia Gresik, Pupuk Kujang, Pupuk Kaltim, Pupuk Iskandar Muda, and Pupuk Asean Aceh, and one national chemical company, namely Aneka Kimia Nusantara. Foreign Joint Ventures and Multinational chemical companies such as Bakrie Kasey, BASF, Bayer, Clariant, Dow Chemical, DuPont, Dyno Indria, Henkel, ICI Paints, Rohm and Haas, and Zeneca were also among the founding members. Ever since the beginning,
The Benefits of Practicing Responsible Care®

Cultivation of good company atmosphere (good corporate culture)

Employee can get sense of achievement proportional to invested energy if PDCA cycle works well.

Employee can get pride and confidence if practices Responsible Care in good consciousness of ethics.
How to Apply

Approach to apply Responsible Care® is autonomous activities on community commitments or public of the company which could legalized in fabricate and chemical substance handling and who know all the detail of chemical substance. The activities planning and result should be announced to the community in order to get public confidence.
The purpose of Responsible Care® is continuously improvement effort and development from activity that is determine on company responsibility. In another words, the purpose of Responsible Care® is chemical industry concept reflect to the community that chemical industry has responsibility to execute performance improvement continuously especially related with Safety, Health, Environment and Security.
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Head Office
Grand Slipi Tower 21st Floor, Suite #21A
Jl. S. Parman Kav 22-24, Jakarta 11480
+62-21-2986 5968