RCI siap mendukung implementasi Smart Industrial Safety
Jakarta, 18 Oktober 2024 (RCI) Dalam waktu tiga tahun terakhir ini, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Jepang mempromosikan Smart Industrial Safety kepada Kementerian Perindustrian. METI dan Kemenperin telah menandatangani Nota Kesepahaman (MOU) tentang...
Menyiapkan SDM yang Unggul melalui Program Pelatihan Vokasi Industri
Pelatihan Vokasi Industri Wilayah Jawa Timur telah digelar, baru-baru ini, di Surabaya. Program yang dibuka secara resmi oleh Kepala Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Industri (BPSDMI) Kementerian Perindustrian Masrokhan itu dihadiri oleh 475 peserta, termasuk di...
Dukung Kompetensi SDM, Responsible Care® Indonesia Gandeng BPSDMI
Pelatihan Vokasi Industri Wilayah Jawa Timur secara resmi dibuka oleh Kepala Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Industri (BPSDMI) Kementerian Perindustrian, Masrokhan. Bertempat di Hotel Surabaya Suite, Surabaya, acara itu dihadiri oleh 475 peserta pelatihan...
RCI is doing its best and working to improve the implementation of the “Responsible Care” program in Indonesia. Therefore, we would like to share news about RCI’s activities and similar activities in other countries, as well as other relevant news. We hope to be a lesson and inspiration for companies, supply chains and their supporting industries.
We are also happy to invite you, especially from RCI member companies to contribute to share news about safety, health, environment and security in the company, at the factory or industrial facilities, in the transportation sector and so on.
The RCI Journey 1997-2017
VTS 01 1 Celebrating 20 Years of Achievement Responsible Care Indonesia
VTS 01 3 – Celebrating 20 Years Achievement Responsible Care in Indonesia and Future Focus
Here’s a Brief News, you may need to know. Please click below
2019 RCI Brief News Update – Activities Prior to Covid-19 Pandemic
2018 RCI Brief News Update
2017 RCI Brief News Update – The OPCW 20 Anniversary
Do you have any question?
Head Office
Grand Slipi Tower 21st Floor, Suite #21A
Jl. S. Parman Kav 22-24, Jakarta 11480
+62-21-2986 5968